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12 changed files with 2 additions and 2080 deletions

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@ -1,570 +0,0 @@
Install the HP Client Management Script Library PowerShell modules
Specify the location of the HPCMSL modules source files. This parameter should be specified when the script is running in WinPE or when the system does not have internet access
Specify the name of the log file along with the full path where it will be stored. The file must have a .log extension. During a task sequence the path will always be set to _SMSTSLogPath
Running in a full Windows OS and installing from the internet
Running in WinPE or offline
Install-HPCMSL.ps1 -ModulePath HPCMSL
Created by: Jon Anderson (@ConfigJon)
Modified: 2020-09-17
2020-09-14 - Added a LogFile parameter. Changed the default log path in full Windows to $ENV:ProgramData\ConfigJonScripts\HP.
Created a new function (Stop-Script) to consolidate some duplicate code and improve error reporting. Made a number of minor formatting and syntax changes
2020-09-17 - Improved the log file path configuration
#Parameters ===================================================================================================================
if(!($_ | Test-Path))
throw "The ModulePath folder path does not exist"
if(!($_ | Test-Path -PathType Container))
throw "The ModulePath argument must be a folder path"
return $true
if($_ -notmatch "(\.log)")
throw "The file specified in the LogFile paramter must be a .log file"
return $true
[System.IO.FileInfo]$LogFile = "$ENV:ProgramData\ConfigJonScripts\HP\Install-HPCMSL.log"
#Functions ====================================================================================================================
Function Get-TaskSequenceStatus
#Determine if a task sequence is currently running
$TSEnv = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment
if($NULL -eq $TSEnv)
return $False
$SMSTSType = $TSEnv.Value("_SMSTSType")
if($NULL -eq $SMSTSType)
return $False
return $True
Function Stop-Script
#Write an error to the log file and terminate the script
Write-LogEntry -Value $ErrorMessage -Severity 3
Write-LogEntry -Value "Exception Message: $Exception" -Severity 3
throw $ErrorMessage
Function Install-HPCMSLLocal
#Install the HPCMSL from local source files
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][String]$InstallPath,
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][String]$ModulePath,
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][String]$ModuleName,
[parameter(Mandatory = $false)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][String]$Version
Write-LogEntry -Value "Install the $ModuleName module from $ModulePath" -Severity 1
Copy-Item $ModulePath -Destination "$InstallPath\WindowsPowerShell\Modules" -Recurse -Force | Out-Null
Write-LogEntry -Value "Failed to copy the $ModuleName module from $ModulePath to $InstallPath\WindowsPowerShell\Modules" -Severity 3
if($NULL -ne $Version)
Write-LogEntry -Value "Successfully installed $ModuleName module version $Version" -Severity 1
Write-LogEntry -Value "Successfully installed the $ModuleName module" -Severity 1
Function Install-HPCMSLRemote
#Install the HPCMSL from the PowerShell Gallery
[parameter(Mandatory = $false)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][String]$Version
Write-LogEntry -Value "Install the HPCMSL module from the PowerShell Gallery" -Severity 1
Install-Module -Name HPCMSL -Force -AcceptLicense
Stop-Script -ErrorMessage "Unable to install the HPCMSL module from the PowerShell Gallery"
if($NULL -ne $Version)
Write-LogEntry -Value "Successfully installed HPCMSL module version $Version" -Severity 1
Write-LogEntry -Value "Successfully installed the HPCMSL module" -Severity 1
Function Update-NuGet
#Update the NuGet package provider
#Check if the NuGet package provider is installed
$Nuget = Get-PackageProvider | Where-Object Name -eq "NuGet"
#If NuGet is installed, ensure it is the current version
$Major = $Nuget.Version | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Major
$Minor = $Nuget.Version | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Minor
$Build = $Nuget.Version | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Build
$Revision = $Nuget.Version | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Revision
$NugetLocalVersion = "$($Major)." + "$($Minor)." + "$($Build)." + "$($Revision)"
$NugetWebVersion = Find-PackageProvider NuGet | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Version
if($NugetLocalVersion -ge $NugetWebVersion)
Write-LogEntry -Value "The latest version of the NuGet package provider ($NugetLocalVersion) is already installed" -Severity 1
#If the currently installed version of NuGet is outdated, update it from the internet
Write-LogEntry -Value "Updating the NuGet package provider" -Severity 1
Install-PackageProvider -Name "NuGet" -Force -Confirm:$False | Out-Null
Write-LogEntry -Value "Unable to update the NuGet package provider" -Severity 3
Write-LogEntry -Value "Successfully updated the NuGet package provider to version $NugetWebVersion" -Severity 1
#If NuGet is not installed, install it from the internet
Write-LogEntry -Value "Update the NuGet package provider" -Severity 1
Install-PackageProvider -Name "NuGet" -Force -Confirm:$False | Out-Null
Write-LogEntry -Value "Unable to update the NuGet package provider" -Severity 3
Write-LogEntry -Value "Successfully updated the NuGet package provider" -Severity 1
Function Update-PowerShellGet
#Update the PowerShellGet module
Import-Module -Name PowerShellGet -Force
$PsGetVersion = Get-Module PowerShellGet | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Version
$PsGetVersionFull = "$($PsGetVersion.Major)." + "$($PsGetVersion.Minor)." + "$($PsGetVersion.Build)"
$PsGetVersionWeb = Find-Package -Name PowerShellGet | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Version
if($PsGetVersionFull -ge $PsGetVersionWeb)
Write-LogEntry -Value "The latest version of the PowerShellGet module ($PsGetVersionFull) is already installed" -Severity 1
#If the currently installed version of the PowerShellGet module is outdated, update it from the internet
Write-LogEntry -Value "Updating the PowerShellGet module" -Severity 1
Remove-Module -Name PowerShellGet -Force #Unload the current version of the PowerShellGet module
Install-Module -Name PowerShellGet -Force #Install the latest version of the PowerShellGet module
Write-LogEntry -Value "Unable to update the PowerShellGet module" -Severity 3
Write-LogEntry -Value "Successfully updated the PowerShellGet module to version $PsGetVersionWeb" -Severity 1
#Re-launch the script in a new session to detect the new PowerShellGet module version
Start-Process -FilePath "$Env:WinDir\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -ArgumentList "-NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File $ScriptPath -Rerun" -Wait -PassThru
Function Write-LogEntry
#Write data to a CMTrace compatible log file. (Credit to SCConfigMgr -
[parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Value added to the log file.")]
[parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Severity for the log entry. 1 for Informational, 2 for Warning and 3 for Error.")]
[ValidateSet("1", "2", "3")]
[parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Name of the log file that the entry will written to.")]
[string]$FileName = ($script:LogFile | Split-Path -Leaf)
#Determine log file location
$LogFilePath = Join-Path -Path $LogsDirectory -ChildPath $FileName
#Construct time stamp for log entry
if(-not(Test-Path -Path 'variable:global:TimezoneBias'))
[string]$global:TimezoneBias = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::Local.GetUtcOffset((Get-Date)).TotalMinutes
if($TimezoneBias -match "^-")
$TimezoneBias = $TimezoneBias.Replace('-', '+')
$TimezoneBias = '-' + $TimezoneBias
$Time = -join @((Get-Date -Format "HH:mm:ss.fff"), $TimezoneBias)
#Construct date for log entry
$Date = (Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy")
#Construct context for log entry
$Context = $([System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Name)
#Construct final log entry
$LogText = "<![LOG[$($Value)]LOG]!><time=""$($Time)"" date=""$($Date)"" component=""Install-HPCMSL"" context=""$($Context)"" type=""$($Severity)"" thread=""$($PID)"" file="""">"
#Add value to log file
Out-File -InputObject $LogText -Append -NoClobber -Encoding Default -FilePath $LogFilePath -ErrorAction Stop
catch [System.Exception]
Write-Warning -Message "Unable to append log entry to $FileName file. Error message at line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber): $($_.Exception.Message)"
#Main program =================================================================================================================
#Set the names of the HPCMSL modules
$HPModules = ("HP.ClientManagement","HP.Firmware","HP.Private","HP.Repo","HP.Sinks","HP.Softpaq","HP.Utility","HPCMSL")
#Get the path to the script (Used if the script needs to be re-launched)
$ScriptPath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand
#Configure Logging and task sequence variables
$TSEnv = New-Object -COMObject Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment
$LogsDirectory = $TSEnv.Value("_SMSTSLogPath")
$LogsDirectory = ($LogFile | Split-Path)
$LogsDirectory = $PSScriptRoot
if(!(Test-Path -PathType Container $LogsDirectory))
New-Item -Path $LogsDirectory -ItemType "Directory" -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
throw "Failed to create the log file directory: $LogsDirectory. Exception Message: $($PSItem.Exception.Message)"
Write-Output "Log path set to $LogFile"
Write-LogEntry -Value "START - HP Client Management Script Library installation script" -Severity 1
#Make sure the folder names in the ModulePath match the HPCMSL folder names
Write-LogEntry -Value "Validate the folder names in $ModulePath" -Severity 1
#Validate the top level folders
$ModulePathFolders = Get-ChildItem $ModulePath -Directory | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
ForEach($Folder in $ModulePathFolders){
if($HPModules -notcontains $Folder)
Write-LogEntry -Value "$Folder is not a valid HPCMSL module folder name" -Severity 3
$InvalidFolder = $True
Stop-Script -ErrorMessage "Invalid folder names found in $ModulePath. Valid folder names are: ""HP.ClientManagement"" ""HP.Firmware"" ""HP.Private"" ""HP.Repo"" ""HP.Sinks"" ""HP.Softpaq"" ""HP.Utility"" ""HPCMSL"""
#Validate the subfolders
ForEach($Folder in $ModulePathFolders){
$Subfolder = Get-ChildItem "$ModulePath\$Folder" -Directory | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
if($NULL -eq $Subfolder)
Write-LogEntry -Value "No subfolders detected under $Folder. There should be 1 first-level subfolder." -Severity 3
$InvalidSubfolder = $True
elseif($Subfolder.Count -gt 1)
Write-LogEntry -Value "Multiple first-level subfolders detected under $Folder. There should only be 1 first-level subfolder." -Severity 3
$InvalidSubfolder = $True
$PatternCheck = (([regex]"^(\*|\d+(\.\d+){1,3}(\.\*)?)$").Matches($Subfolder)).Success
if($PatternCheck -ne "True")
Write-LogEntry -Value "$Folder\$Subfolder is not a valid subfolder" -Severity 3
$InvalidSubfolder = $True
Write-LogEntry -Value "Each module folder should contain a single first-level subfolder. The folder should be named the version of the module." -Severity 2
Write-LogEntry -Value 'Valid first-level subfolder names should be in the format of "1.2" or "1.2.3" or ""' -Severity 2
throw "Invalid subfolder structure found in $ModulePath. See the log file for more details"
Write-LogEntry -Value "Successfully validated the folder names" -Severity 1
#Check the PowerShell version
Write-LogEntry -Value "Checking the installed PowerShell version" -Severity 1
$PsVerMajor = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Major
$PsVerMinor = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Minor
$PsVerFull = "$($PsVerMajor)." + "$($PsVerMinor)."
if($PsVerFull -ge 5.1)
Write-LogEntry -Value "The current PowerShell version is $PsVerFull" -Severity 1
Stop-Script -ErrorMessage "The current PowerShell version is $PsVerFull. The mininum supported PowerShell version is 5.1"
#Set the PowerShell Module insatll path
$ModuleInstallPath = $env:ProgramFiles
#Get the versions of the currently installed HPCMSL modules
Write-LogEntry -Value "Checking the versions of the currently installed HPCMSL modules" -Severity 1
$LocalModuleVersions = [PSCustomObject]@{}
ForEach($HPModule in $HPModules){
if(Test-Path "$ModuleInstallPath\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\$HPModule")
$LocalVersionList = Get-ChildItem "$ModuleInstallPath\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\$HPModule" -Directory | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
if($LocalVersionList.Count -gt 1)
$LocalVersion = "0.0"
ForEach($Version in $LocalVersionList){
if(([Version]$Version).CompareTo([Version]$LocalVersion) -eq 1)
$LocalVersion = $Version
$LocalVersion = $LocalVersionList
if($NULL -ne $LocalVersion)
Write-LogEntry -Value "The version of the currently installed $HPModule module is $LocalVersion" -Severity 1
$LocalModuleVersions | Add-Member -NotePropertyName $HPModule -NotePropertyValue $LocalVersion
Write-LogEntry -Value "$HPModule module not found on the local machine" -Severity 2
$LocalModuleVersions | Add-Member -NotePropertyName $HPModule -NotePropertyValue '0.0'
Write-LogEntry -Value "$HPModule module not found on the local machine" -Severity 2
$LocalModuleVersions | Add-Member -NotePropertyName $HPModule -NotePropertyValue '0.0'
#Attempt to install the HPCMSL from local source files
ForEach($HPModule in $HPModules){
#Get the version of the module
$SourceVersion = Get-ChildItem "$ModulePath\$HPModule" -Directory | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
if($NULL -ne $SourceVersion)
Write-LogEntry -Value "The version of the $HPModule module in $ModulePath is $SourceVersion" -Severity 1
Write-LogEntry -Value "Failed to check the version of the $HPModule module in $ModulePath" -Severity 3
if($NULL -ne $SourceVersion)
$LocalVersionCompare = ([Version]$SourceVersion).CompareTo([Version]$LocalModuleVersions.$HPModule)
if($LocalVersionCompare -eq 0)
Write-LogEntry -Value "The latest version of the $HPModule module is already installed" -Severity 1
elseif($LocalVersionCompare -eq -1)
Write-LogEntry -Value "A newer version of $HPModule is already installed" -Severity 1
Install-HPCMSLLocal -InstallPath $ModuleInstallPath -ModuleName $HPModule -ModulePath "$ModulePath\$HPModule" -Version $SourceVersion
Install-HPCMSLLocal -InstallPath $ModuleInstallPath -ModuleName $HPModule -ModulePath "$ModulePath\$HPModule"
#Attempt to install the HPCMSL module from the PowerShell Gallery
#Ensure the NuGet package provider is installed and updated
Write-LogEntry -Value "Checking the version of the NuGet package provider" -Severity 1
#Ensure the PowerShellGet module is updated
Write-LogEntry -Value "Checking the version of the PowerShellGet module" -Severity 1
#Get the version of the HPCMSL module in the PowerShell Gallery
Write-LogEntry -Value "Checking the version of the HPCMSL module in the PowerShell Gallery" -Severity 1
$WebVersion = Find-Package HPCMSL | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Version
if($NULL -ne $WebVersion)
Write-LogEntry -Value "The version of the HPCMSL module in the PowerShell Gallery is $WebVersion" -Severity 1
Write-LogEntry -Value "Failed to check the version of the HPCMSL module in the PowerShell Gallery" -Severity 3
if($NULL -ne $WebVersion)
$WebVersionCompare = ([Version]$WebVersion).CompareTo([Version]$LocalModuleVersions.HPCMSL)
if($WebVersionCompare -eq 0)
Write-LogEntry -Value "The latest version of the HPCMSL module is already installed" -Severity 1
elseif($WebVersionCompare -eq -1)
Write-LogEntry -Value "A newer version of the HPCMSL module is already installed" -Severity 1
Install-HPCMSLRemote -Version $WebVersion
elseif(($NULL -ne $WebVersion) -and ($NULL -eq $LocalVersion))
Install-HPCMSLRemote -Version $WebVersion
#Import the HPCMSL module
Write-LogEntry -Value "Import the HPCMSL module" -Severity 1
Import-Module HPCMSL -Force -ErrorAction Stop
Stop-Script -ErrorMessage "Failed to import the HPCMSL module" -Exception $PSItem.Exception.Message
Write-LogEntry -Value "Successfully imported the HPCMSL module" -Severity 1
Write-LogEntry -Value "END - HP Client Management Script Library installation script" -Severity 1

View File

@ -1,710 +0,0 @@
Automatically configure HP BIOS passwords and prompt the user if manual intervention is required.
Specify this switch to set a new setup password or change an existing setup password.
Specify this swtich to clear an existing setup password. Must also specify the OldSetupPassword parameter.
Specify this switch to set a new power on password or change an existing power on password.
Specify this switch to clear an existing power on password. Must also specify the OldPowerOnPassword parameter.
.PARAMETER SetupPassword
Specify the new setup password to set.
.PARAMETER OldSetupPassword
Specify the old setup password(s) to be changed. Multiple passwords can be specified as a comma seperated list.
.PARAMETER PowerOnPassword
Specify the new power on password to set.
.PARAMETER OldPowerOnPassword
Specify the old power on password(s) to be changed. Multiple passwords can be specified as a comma seperated list.
The script will run silently and will not prompt the user with a message box.
.PARAMETER ContinueOnError
The script will ignore any errors caused by changing or clearing the passwords. This will not suppress errors caused by parameter validation.
For use in a task sequence. If specified, the script will assume the script needs to run at least one more time. This will ignore password errors and suppress user prompts.
Specify the name of the log file along with the full path where it will be stored. The file must have a .log extension. During a task sequence the path will always be set to _SMSTSLogPath
Set a new setup password when no old passwords exist
Manage-HPBiosPasswords.ps1 -SetupSet -SetupPassword <String>
Set or change a setup password
Manage-HPBiosPasswords.ps1 -SetupSet -SetupPassword <String> -OldSetupPassword <String1>,<String2>
Clear existing setup password(s)
Manage-HPBiosPasswords.ps1 -SetupClear -OldSetupPassword <String1>,<String2>
Set a new setup password and set a new power on password when no old passwords exist
Manage-HPBiosPasswords.ps1 -SetupSet -PowerOnSet -SetupPassword <String1> -PowerOnPassword <String1>
Set or change an existing setup password and clear a power on password
Manage-HPBiosPasswords.ps1 -SetupSet -SetupPassword <String> -OldSetupPassword <String1>,<String2> -PowerOnClear -OldPowerOnPassword <String1>,<String2>
Clear existing Setup and power on passwords
Manage-HPBiosPasswords.ps1 -SetupClear -OldSetupPassword <String1>,<String2> -PowerOnClear -OldPowerOnPassword <String1>,<String2>
Set a new power on password when the setup password is already set
Manage-HPBiosPasswords.ps1 -PowerOnSet -PowerOnPassword <String> -SetupPassword <String>
Created by: Jon Anderson (@ConfigJon)
Modifed: 2020-09-17
2019-07-27 - Formatting changes. Changed the SMSTSPasswordRetry parameter to be a switch instead of an integer value. Changed the SMSTSChangeSetup TS variable to HPChangeSetup.
Changed the SMSTSClearSetup TS variable to HPClearSetup. Changed the SMSTSChangePowerOn TS variable to HPChangePowerOn. Changed the SMSTSClearPowerOn TS variable to HPClearPowerOn.
2019-11-04 - Added additional logging. Changed the default log path to $ENV:ProgramData\BiosScripts\HP. Modifed the parameter validation logic.
2020-01-30 - Removed the SetupChange and PowerOnChange parameters. SetupSet and PowerOnSet now work to set or change a password. Changed the HPChangeSetup task sequence variable to HPSetSetup.
Changed the HPChangePowerOn task sequence variable to HPSetPowerOn. Updated the parameter validation checks.
2020-09-14 - Added a LogFile parameter. Changed the default log path in full Windows to $ENV:ProgramData\ConfigJonScripts\HP.
Consolidated duplicate code into new functions (Stop-Script, Get-WmiData, New-HPBiosPassword, Set-HPBiosPassword, Clear-HPBiosPassword). Made a number of minor formatting and syntax changes
When using the SetupSet and PowerOnSet parameters, the OldPassword parameters are no longer required. There is now logic to handle and report this type of failure.
2020-09-17 - Improved the log file path configuration
#Parameters ===================================================================================================================
if($_ -notmatch "(\.log)")
throw "The file specified in the LogFile paramter must be a .log file"
return $true
[System.IO.FileInfo]$LogFile = "$ENV:ProgramData\ConfigJonScripts\HP\Manage-HPBiosPasswords.log"
#Functions ====================================================================================================================
Function Get-TaskSequenceStatus
#Determine if a task sequence is currently running
$TSEnv = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment
if($NULL -eq $TSEnv)
return $False
$SMSTSType = $TSEnv.Value("_SMSTSType")
if($NULL -eq $SMSTSType)
return $False
return $True
Function Stop-Script
#Write an error to the log file and terminate the script
Write-LogEntry -Value $ErrorMessage -Severity 3
Write-LogEntry -Value "Exception Message: $Exception" -Severity 3
throw $ErrorMessage
Function Get-WmiData
#Gets WMI data using either the WMI or CIM cmdlets and stores the data in a variable
if($CmdletType -eq "CIM")
Write-LogEntry -Value "Get the $Classname WMI class from the $Namespace namespace and select properties: $Select" -Severity 1
$Query = Get-CimInstance -Namespace $Namespace -ClassName $ClassName -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object $Select -ErrorAction Stop
Write-LogEntry -Value "Get the $ClassName WMI class from the $Namespace namespace" -Severity 1
$Query = Get-CimInstance -Namespace $Namespace -ClassName $ClassName -ErrorAction Stop
elseif($CmdletType -eq "WMI")
Write-LogEntry -Value "Get the $Classname WMI class from the $Namespace namespace and select properties: $Select" -Severity 1
$Query = Get-WmiObject -Namespace $Namespace -Class $ClassName -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object $Select -ErrorAction Stop
Write-LogEntry -Value "Get the $ClassName WMI class from the $Namespace namespace" -Severity 1
$Query = Get-WmiObject -Namespace $Namespace -Class $ClassName -ErrorAction Stop
Stop-Script -ErrorMessage "An error occurred while attempting to get the $Select properties from the $Classname WMI class in the $Namespace namespace" -Exception $PSItem.Exception.Message
Stop-Script -ErrorMessage "An error occurred while connecting to the $Classname WMI class in the $Namespace namespace" -Exception $PSItem.Exception.Message
Write-LogEntry -Value "Successfully connected to the $ClassName WMI class" -Severity 1
return $Query
Function New-HPBiosPassword
if($PasswordType -eq "Setup")
$PasswordName = "Setup Password"
$PasswordName = "Power-On Password"
#Attempt to set the power on password when the setup password is already set
if(($Interface.SetBIOSSetting($PasswordName,"<utf-16/>" + $Password,"<utf-16/>" + $SetupPW)).Return -eq 0)
Write-LogEntry -Value "The $PasswordType password has been successfully set" -Severity 1
Set-Variable -Name "$($PasswordType)PWExists" -Value "Failed" -Scope Script
Write-LogEntry -Value "Failed to set the $PasswordType password" -Severity 3
#Attempt to set the setup or power on password
if(($Interface.SetBIOSSetting($PasswordName,"<utf-16/>" + $Password,"<utf-16/>")).Return -eq 0)
Write-LogEntry -Value "The $PasswordType password has been successfully set" -Severity 1
Set-Variable -Name "$($PasswordType)PWExists" -Value "Failed" -Scope Script
Write-LogEntry -Value "Failed to set the $PasswordType password" -Severity 3
Function Set-HPBiosPassword
if($PasswordType -eq "Setup")
$PasswordName = "Setup Password"
$PasswordName = "Power-On Password"
Write-LogEntry -Value "Attempt to change the existing $PasswordType password" -Severity 1
Set-Variable -Name "$($PasswordType)PWSet" -Value "Failed" -Scope Script
$TSEnv.Value("HPSet$($PasswordType)") = "Failed"
#Check if the password is already set to the correct value
if(($Interface.SetBIOSSetting($PasswordName,"<utf-16/>" + $Password,"<utf-16/>" + $Password)).Return -eq 0)
#Password is set to correct value
Set-Variable -Name "$($PasswordType)PWSet" -Value "Success" -Scope Script
$TSEnv.Value("HPSet$($PasswordType)") = "Success"
Write-LogEntry -Value "The $PasswordType password is already set correctly" -Severity 1
#Password is not set to correct value
$Counter = 0
While($Counter -lt $OldPassword.Count)
if(($Interface.SetBIOSSetting($PasswordName,"<utf-16/>" + $Password,"<utf-16/>" + $OldPassword[$Counter])).Return -eq 0)
#Successfully changed the password
Set-Variable -Name "$($PasswordType)PWSet" -Value "Success" -Scope Script
$TSEnv.Value("HPSet$($PasswordType)") = "Success"
Write-LogEntry -Value "The $PasswordType password has been successfully changed" -Severity 1
#Failed to change the password
if((Get-Variable -Name "$($PasswordType)PWSet" -ValueOnly -Scope Script) -eq "Failed")
Write-LogEntry -Value "Failed to change the $PasswordType password" -Severity 3
Write-LogEntry -Value "The $PasswordType password is currently set to something other than then supplied value, but no old passwords were supplied. Try supplying additional values using the Old$($PasswordType)Password parameter" -Severity 3
Function Clear-HPBiosPassword
if($PasswordType -eq "Setup")
$PasswordName = "Setup Password"
$PasswordName = "Power-On Password"
Write-LogEntry -Value "Attempt to clear the existing $PasswordType password" -Severity 1
Set-Variable -Name "$($PasswordType)PWClear" -Value "Failed" -Scope Script
$TSEnv.Value("HPClear$($PasswordType)") = "Failed"
$Counter = 0
While($Counter -lt $OldPassword.Count)
if(($Interface.SetBIOSSetting($PasswordName,"<utf-16/>","<utf-16/>" + $OldPassword[$Counter])).Return -eq 0)
#Successfully cleared the password
Set-Variable -Name "$($PasswordType)PWClear" -Value "Success" -Scope Script
$TSEnv.Value("HPClear$($PasswordType)") = "Success"
Write-LogEntry -Value "The $PasswordType password has been successfully cleared" -Severity 1
#Failed to clear the password
if((Get-Variable -Name "$($PasswordType)PWClear" -ValueOnly -Scope Script) -eq "Failed")
Write-LogEntry -Value "Failed to clear the $PasswordType password" -Severity 3
Function Start-UserPrompt
#Create a user prompt with custom body and title text if the NoUserPrompt variable is not set
(New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell).Popup("$BodyText",0,"$TitleText",0x0 + 0x30) | Out-Null
Function Write-LogEntry
#Write data to a CMTrace compatible log file. (Credit to SCConfigMgr -
[parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Value added to the log file.")]
[parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Severity for the log entry. 1 for Informational, 2 for Warning and 3 for Error.")]
[ValidateSet("1", "2", "3")]
[parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Name of the log file that the entry will written to.")]
[string]$FileName = ($script:LogFile | Split-Path -Leaf)
#Determine log file location
$LogFilePath = Join-Path -Path $LogsDirectory -ChildPath $FileName
#Construct time stamp for log entry
if(-not(Test-Path -Path 'variable:global:TimezoneBias'))
[string]$global:TimezoneBias = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::Local.GetUtcOffset((Get-Date)).TotalMinutes
if($TimezoneBias -match "^-")
$TimezoneBias = $TimezoneBias.Replace('-', '+')
$TimezoneBias = '-' + $TimezoneBias
$Time = -join @((Get-Date -Format "HH:mm:ss.fff"), $TimezoneBias)
#Construct date for log entry
$Date = (Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy")
#Construct context for log entry
$Context = $([System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Name)
#Construct final log entry
$LogText = "<![LOG[$($Value)]LOG]!><time=""$($Time)"" date=""$($Date)"" component=""Manage-HPBiosPasswords"" context=""$($Context)"" type=""$($Severity)"" thread=""$($PID)"" file="""">"
#Add value to log file
Out-File -InputObject $LogText -Append -NoClobber -Encoding Default -FilePath $LogFilePath -ErrorAction Stop
catch [System.Exception]
Write-Warning -Message "Unable to append log entry to $FileName file. Error message at line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber): $($_.Exception.Message)"
#Main program =================================================================================================================
#Configure Logging and task sequence variables
$TSEnv = New-Object -COMObject Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment
$TSProgress = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.SMS.TsProgressUI
$LogsDirectory = $TSEnv.Value("_SMSTSLogPath")
$LogsDirectory = ($LogFile | Split-Path)
$LogsDirectory = $PSScriptRoot
if(!(Test-Path -PathType Container $LogsDirectory))
New-Item -Path $LogsDirectory -ItemType "Directory" -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
throw "Failed to create the log file directory: $LogsDirectory. Exception Message: $($PSItem.Exception.Message)"
Write-Output "Log path set to $LogFile"
Write-LogEntry -Value "START - HP BIOS password management script" -Severity 1
#Connect to the HP_BIOSSettingInterface WMI class
$Interface = Get-WmiData -Namespace root\hp\InstrumentedBIOS -ClassName HP_BIOSSettingInterface -CmdletType WMI
#Connect to the HP_BIOSSetting WMI class
$HPBiosSetting = Get-WmiData -Namespace root\hp\InstrumentedBIOS -ClassName HP_BIOSSetting -CmdletType WMI
#Get the current password status
Write-LogEntry -Value "Get the current password state" -Severity 1
$SetupPasswordCheck = ($HPBiosSetting | Where-Object Name -eq "Setup Password").IsSet
if($SetupPasswordCheck -eq 1)
Write-LogEntry -Value "The setup password is currently set" -Severity 1
Write-LogEntry -Value "The setup password is not currently set" -Severity 1
$PowerOnPasswordCheck = ($HPBiosSetting | Where-Object Name -eq "Power-On Password").IsSet
if($PowerOnPasswordCheck -eq 1)
Write-LogEntry -Value "The power on password is currently set" -Severity 1
Write-LogEntry -Value "The power on password is not currently set" -Severity 1
#Parameter validation
Write-LogEntry -Value "Begin parameter validation" -Severity 1
if(($SetupSet) -and !($SetupPassword))
Stop-Script -ErrorMessage "When using the SetupSet switch, the SetupPassword parameter must also be specified"
if(($SetupClear) -and !($OldSetupPassword))
Stop-Script -ErrorMessage "When using the SetupClear switch, the OldSetupPassword parameter must also be specified"
if(($PowerOnSet) -and !($PowerOnPassword))
Stop-Script -ErrorMessage "When using the PowerOnSet switch, the PowerOnPassword parameter must also be specified"
if(($PowerOnSet -and $SetupPasswordCheck -eq 1) -and !($SetupPassword))
Stop-Script -ErrorMessage "When using the PowerOnSet switch on a computer where the setup password is already set, the SetupPassword parameter must also be specified"
if(($PowerOnClear) -and !($OldPowerOnPassword))
Stop-Script -ErrorMessage "When using the PowerOnClear switch, the OldPowerOnPassword parameter must also be specified"
if(($SetupSet) -and ($SetupClear))
Stop-Script -ErrorMessage "Cannot specify the SetupSet and SetupClear parameters simultaneously"
if(($PowerOnSet) -and ($PowerOnClear))
Stop-Script -ErrorMessage "Cannot specify the PowerOnSet and PowerOnClear parameters simultaneously"
if(($OldSetupPassword -or $SetupPassword) -and !($SetupSet -or $SetupClear))
Stop-Script -ErrorMessage "When using the OldSetupPassword or SetupPassword parameters, one of the SetupSet or SetupClear parameters must also be specified"
if(($OldPowerOnPassword -or $PowerOnPassword) -and !($PowerOnSet -or $PowerOnClear))
Stop-Script -ErrorMessage "When using the OldPowerOnPassword or PowerOnPassword parameters, one of the PowerOnSet or PowerOnClear parameters must also be specified"
if($OldSetupPassword.Count -gt 2) #Prevents entering more than 2 old Setup passwords
Stop-Script -ErrorMessage "Please specify 2 or fewer old Setup passwords"
if($OldPowerOnPassword.Count -gt 2) #Prevents entering more than 2 old power on passwords
Stop-Script -ErrorMessage "Please specify 2 or fewer old power on passwords"
if(($SMSTSPasswordRetry) -and !(Get-TaskSequenceStatus))
Write-LogEntry -Value "The SMSTSPasswordRetry parameter was specifed while not running in a task sequence. Setting SMSTSPasswordRetry to false." -Severity 2
$SMSTSPasswordRetry = $False
Write-LogEntry -Value "Parameter validation completed" -Severity 1
#Set variables from a previous script session
Write-LogEntry -Value "Check for existing task sequence variables" -Severity 1
$HPSetSetup = $TSEnv.Value("HPSetSetup")
if($HPSetSetup -eq "Failed")
Write-LogEntry -Value "Previous unsuccessful setup password set attempt detected" -Severity 1
$HPClearSetup = $TSEnv.Value("HPClearSetup")
if($HPClearSetup -eq "Failed")
Write-LogEntry -Value "Previous unsuccessful setup password clear attempt detected" -Severity 1
$HPSetPowerOn = $TSEnv.Value("HPSetPowerOn")
if($HPSetPowerOn -eq "Failed")
Write-LogEntry -Value "Previous unsuccessful power on password set attempt detected" -Severity 1
$HPClearPowerOn = $TSEnv.Value("HPClearPowerOn")
if($HPClearPowerOn -eq "Failed")
Write-LogEntry -Value "Previous unsuccessful power on password clear attempt detected" -Severity 1
#No setup password currently set
if($SetupPasswordCheck -eq 0)
Write-LogEntry -Value "No Setup password currently set. No need to clear the setup password" -Severity 2
Clear-Variable SetupClear
New-HPBiosPassword -PasswordType Setup -Password $SetupPassword
#No power on password currently set
if($PowerOnPasswordCheck -eq 0)
Write-LogEntry -Value "No power on password currently set. No need to clear the power on password" -Severity 2
Clear-Variable SetupClear
#If the setup password is currently set, the setup password is required to set the power on password
if(($HPBiosSetting | Where-Object Name -eq "Setup Password").IsSet -eq 1)
New-HPBiosPassword -PasswordType PowerOn -Password $PowerOnPassword -SetupPW $SetupPassword
New-HPBiosPassword -PasswordType PowerOn -Password $PowerOnPassword
#If a Setup password is set, attempt to clear or change it
if($SetupPasswordCheck -eq 1)
#Change the existing Setup password
if(($SetupSet) -and ($HPSetSetup -ne "Success"))
Set-HPBiosPassword -PasswordType Setup -Password $SetupPassword -OldPassword $OldSetupPassword
Set-HPBiosPassword -PasswordType Setup -Password $SetupPassword
#Clear the existing Setup password
if(($SetupClear) -and ($HPClearSetup -ne "Success"))
Clear-HPBiosPassword -PasswordType Setup -OldPassword $OldSetupPassword
#If a power on password is set, attempt to clear or change it
if($PowerOnPasswordCheck -eq 1)
#Change the existing power on password
if(($PowerOnSet) -and ($HPSetPowerOn -ne "Success"))
Set-HPBiosPassword -PasswordType PowerOn -Password $PowerOnPassword -OldPassword $OldPowerOnPassword
Set-HPBiosPassword -PasswordType PowerOn -Password $PowerOnPassword
#Clear the existing power on password
if(($PowerOnClear) -and ($HPClearPowerOn -ne "Success"))
Clear-HPBiosPassword -PasswordType PowerOn -OldPassword $OldPowerOnPassword
#Prompt the user about any failures
if((($SetupPWExists -eq "Failed") -or ($SetupPWSet -eq "Failed") -or ($SetupPWClear -eq "Failed") -or ($PowerOnPWExists -eq "Failed") -or ($PowerOnPWSet -eq "Failed") -or ($PowerOnPWClear -eq "Failed")) -and (!($SMSTSPasswordRetry)))
Write-LogEntry -Value "Failures detected, display on-screen prompts for any required manual actions" -Severity 2
#Close the task sequence progress dialog
#Display prompts
if($SetupPWExists -eq "Failed")
Start-UserPrompt -BodyText "No setup password is set, but the script was unable to set a password. Please reboot the computer and manually set the setup password." -TitleText "HP Password Management Script"
if($SetupPWSet -eq "Failed")
Start-UserPrompt -BodyText "The setup password is set, but cannot be automatically changed. Please reboot the computer and manually change the setup password." -TitleText "HP Password Management Script"
if($SetupPWClear -eq "Failed")
Start-UserPrompt -BodyText "The setup password is set, but cannot be automatically cleared. Please reboot the computer and manually clear the setup password." -TitleText "HP Password Management Script"
if($PowerOnPWExists -eq "Failed")
Start-UserPrompt -BodyText "No power on password is set, but the script was unable to set a password. Please reboot the computer and manually set the power on password." -TitleText "HP Password Management Script"
if($PowerOnPWSet -eq "Failed")
Start-UserPrompt -BodyText "The power on password is set, but cannot be automatically changed. Please reboot the computer and manually change the power on password." -TitleText "HP Password Management Script"
if($PowerOnPWClear -eq "Failed")
Start-UserPrompt -BodyText "The power on password is set, but cannot be automatically cleared. Please reboot the computer and manually clear the power on password." -TitleText "HP Password Management Script"
#Exit the script with an error
Write-LogEntry -Value "Failures detected, exiting the script" -Severity 3
Write-Output "Password management tasks failed. Check the log file for more information"
Write-LogEntry -Value "END - HP BIOS password management script" -Severity 1
Exit 1
Write-LogEntry -Value "Failures detected, but the ContinueOnError parameter was set. Script execution will continue" -Severity 3
Write-Output "Failures detected, but the ContinueOnError parameter was set. Script execution will continue"
elseif((($SetupPWExists -eq "Failed") -or ($SetupPWSet -eq "Failed") -or ($SetupPWClear -eq "Failed") -or ($PowerOnPWExists -eq "Failed") -or ($PowerOnPWSet -eq "Failed") -or ($PowerOnPWClear -eq "Failed")) -and ($SMSTSPasswordRetry))
Write-LogEntry -Value "Failures detected, but the SMSTSPasswordRetry parameter was set. No user prompts will be displayed" -Severity 3
Write-Output "Failures detected, but the SMSTSPasswordRetry parameter was set. No user prompts will be displayed"
Write-Output "Password management tasks succeeded. Check the log file for more information"
Write-LogEntry -Value "END - HP BIOS password management script" -Severity 1

View File

@ -1,513 +0,0 @@
Automatically configure HP BIOS settings
SetBIOSSetting Return Codes
0 - Success
1 - Not Supported
2 - Unspecified Error
3 - Timeout
4 - Failed - (Check for typos in the setting value)
5 - Invalid Parameter
6 - Access Denied - (Check that the BIOS password is correct)
.PARAMETER GetSettings
Instruct the script to get a list of current BIOS settings
.PARAMETER SetSettings
Instruct the script to set BIOS settings
The path to the CSV file to be imported or exported
.PARAMETER SetupPassword
The current BIOS password
Specify the name of the log file along with the full path where it will be stored. The file must have a .log extension. During a task sequence the path will always be set to _SMSTSLogPath
#Set BIOS settings supplied in the script
Manage-HPBiosSettings.ps1 -SetSettings -SetupPassword ExamplePassword
#Set BIOS settings supplied in a CSV file
Manage-HPBiosSettings.ps1 -SetSettings -CsvPath C:\Temp\Settings.csv -SetupPassword ExamplePassword
#Output a list of current BIOS settings to the screen
Manage-HPBiosSettings.ps1 -GetSettings
#Output a list of current BIOS settings to a CSV file
Manage-HPBiosSettings.ps1 -GetSettings -CsvPath C:\Temp\Settings.csv
Created by: Jon Anderson (@ConfigJon)
Modified: 2020-09-17
2019-11-04 - Added additional logging. Changed the default log path to $ENV:ProgramData\BiosScripts\HP.
2020-02-21 - Added the ability to get a list of current BIOS settings on a system via the GetSettings parameter
Added the ability to read settings from or write settings to a csv file with the CsvPath parameter
Added the SetSettings parameter to indicate that the script should attempt to set settings
Changed the $Settings array in the script to be comma seperated instead of semi-colon seperated
Updated formatting
2020-09-14 - Added a LogFile parameter. Changed the default log path in full Windows to $ENV:ProgramData\ConfigJonScripts\HP.
Consolidated duplicate code into new functions (Stop-Script, Get-WmiData). Made a number of minor formatting and syntax changes
2020-09-17 - Improved the log file path configuration
#Parameters ===================================================================================================================
if($_ -notmatch "(\.csv)")
throw "The specified file must be a .csv file"
return $true
if($_ -notmatch "(\.log)")
throw "The file specified in the LogFile paramter must be a .log file"
return $true
[System.IO.FileInfo]$LogFile = "$ENV:ProgramData\ConfigJonScripts\HP\Manage-HPBiosSettings.log"
#List of settings to be configured ============================================================================================
$Settings = (
"Deep S3,Off",
"Deep Sleep,Off",
"S4/S5 Max Power Savings,Disable",
"S5 Maximum Power Savings,Disable",
"Fingerprint Device,Disable",
"Num Lock State at Power-On,Off",
"NumLock on at boot,Disable",
"Numlock state at boot,Off",
"Prompt for Admin password on F9 (Boot Menu),Enable",
"Prompt for Admin password on F11 (System Recovery),Enable",
"Prompt for Admin password on F12 (Network Boot),Enable",
"PXE Internal IPV4 NIC boot,Enable",
"PXE Internal IPV6 NIC boot,Enable",
"PXE Internal NIC boot,Enable",
"Wake On LAN,Boot to Hard Drive",
"Swap Fn and Ctrl (Keys),Disable"
#Functions ====================================================================================================================
Function Get-TaskSequenceStatus
#Determine if a task sequence is currently running
$TSEnv = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment
if($NULL -eq $TSEnv)
return $False
$SMSTSType = $TSEnv.Value("_SMSTSType")
if($NULL -eq $SMSTSType)
return $False
return $True
Function Stop-Script
#Write an error to the log file and terminate the script
Write-LogEntry -Value $ErrorMessage -Severity 3
Write-LogEntry -Value "Exception Message: $Exception" -Severity 3
throw $ErrorMessage
Function Get-WmiData
#Gets WMI data using either the WMI or CIM cmdlets and stores the data in a variable
if($CmdletType -eq "CIM")
Write-LogEntry -Value "Get the $Classname WMI class from the $Namespace namespace and select properties: $Select" -Severity 1
$Query = Get-CimInstance -Namespace $Namespace -ClassName $ClassName -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object $Select -ErrorAction Stop
Write-LogEntry -Value "Get the $ClassName WMI class from the $Namespace namespace" -Severity 1
$Query = Get-CimInstance -Namespace $Namespace -ClassName $ClassName -ErrorAction Stop
elseif($CmdletType -eq "WMI")
Write-LogEntry -Value "Get the $Classname WMI class from the $Namespace namespace and select properties: $Select" -Severity 1
$Query = Get-WmiObject -Namespace $Namespace -Class $ClassName -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object $Select -ErrorAction Stop
Write-LogEntry -Value "Get the $ClassName WMI class from the $Namespace namespace" -Severity 1
$Query = Get-WmiObject -Namespace $Namespace -Class $ClassName -ErrorAction Stop
Stop-Script -ErrorMessage "An error occurred while attempting to get the $Select properties from the $Classname WMI class in the $Namespace namespace" -Exception $PSItem.Exception.Message
Stop-Script -ErrorMessage "An error occurred while connecting to the $Classname WMI class in the $Namespace namespace" -Exception $PSItem.Exception.Message
Write-LogEntry -Value "Successfully connected to the $ClassName WMI class" -Severity 1
return $Query
Function Set-HPBiosSetting
#Set a specific HP BIOS setting
#Ensure the specified setting exists and get the possible values
$CurrentSetting = $SettingList | Where-Object Name -eq $Name | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value
if($NULL -ne $CurrentSetting)
#Split the current values
$CurrentSettingSplit = $CurrentSetting.Split(',')
#Find the currently set value
$Count = 0
while($Count -lt $CurrentSettingSplit.Count)
$CurrentValue = $CurrentSettingSplit[$Count]
#Setting is already set to specified value
if($CurrentValue.Substring(1) -eq $Value)
Write-LogEntry -Value "Setting ""$Name"" is already set to ""$Value""" -Severity 1
#Setting is not set to specified value
$SettingResult = ($Interface.SetBIOSSetting($Name,$Value,"<utf-16/>" + $Password)).Return
$SettingResult = ($Interface.SetBIOSSetting($Name,$Value)).Return
if($SettingResult -eq 0)
Write-LogEntry -Value "Successfully set ""$Name"" to ""$Value""" -Severity 1
Write-LogEntry -Value "Failed to set ""$Name"" to ""$Value"". Return code $SettingResult" -Severity 3
#Setting not found
Write-LogEntry -Value "Setting ""$Name"" not found" -Severity 2
Function Write-LogEntry
#Write data to a CMTrace compatible log file. (Credit to SCConfigMgr -
[parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Value added to the log file.")]
[parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Severity for the log entry. 1 for Informational, 2 for Warning and 3 for Error.")]
[ValidateSet("1", "2", "3")]
[parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Name of the log file that the entry will written to.")]
[string]$FileName = ($script:LogFile | Split-Path -Leaf)
#Determine log file location
$LogFilePath = Join-Path -Path $LogsDirectory -ChildPath $FileName
#Construct time stamp for log entry
if(-not(Test-Path -Path 'variable:global:TimezoneBias'))
[string]$global:TimezoneBias = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::Local.GetUtcOffset((Get-Date)).TotalMinutes
if($TimezoneBias -match "^-")
$TimezoneBias = $TimezoneBias.Replace('-', '+')
$TimezoneBias = '-' + $TimezoneBias
$Time = -join @((Get-Date -Format "HH:mm:ss.fff"), $TimezoneBias)
#Construct date for log entry
$Date = (Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy")
#Construct context for log entry
$Context = $([System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Name)
#Construct final log entry
$LogText = "<![LOG[$($Value)]LOG]!><time=""$($Time)"" date=""$($Date)"" component=""Manage-HPBiosSettings"" context=""$($Context)"" type=""$($Severity)"" thread=""$($PID)"" file="""">"
#Add value to log file
Out-File -InputObject $LogText -Append -NoClobber -Encoding Default -FilePath $LogFilePath -ErrorAction Stop
catch [System.Exception]
Write-Warning -Message "Unable to append log entry to $FileName file. Error message at line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber): $($_.Exception.Message)"
#Main program =================================================================================================================
#Configure Logging and task sequence variables
$TSEnv = New-Object -COMObject Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment
$LogsDirectory = $TSEnv.Value("_SMSTSLogPath")
$LogsDirectory = ($LogFile | Split-Path)
$LogsDirectory = $PSScriptRoot
if(!(Test-Path -PathType Container $LogsDirectory))
New-Item -Path $LogsDirectory -ItemType "Directory" -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
throw "Failed to create the log file directory: $LogsDirectory. Exception Message: $($PSItem.Exception.Message)"
Write-Output "Log path set to $LogFile"
Write-LogEntry -Value "START - HP BIOS settings management script" -Severity 1
#Connect to the HP_BIOSEnumeration WMI class
$SettingList = Get-WmiData -Namespace root\hp\InstrumentedBIOS -ClassName HP_BIOSEnumeration -CmdletType WMI
#Connect to the HP_BIOSSettingInterface WMI class
$Interface = Get-WmiData -Namespace root\hp\InstrumentedBIOS -ClassName HP_BIOSSettingInterface -CmdletType WMI
#Connect to the HP_BIOSSetting WMI class
$HPBiosSetting = Get-WmiData -Namespace root\hp\InstrumentedBIOS -ClassName HP_BIOSSetting -CmdletType WMI
#Parameter validation
Write-LogEntry -Value "Begin parameter validation" -Severity 1
if($GetSettings -and $SetSettings)
Stop-Script -ErrorMessage "Cannot specify the GetSettings and SetSettings parameters at the same time"
if(!($GetSettings -or $SetSettings))
Stop-Script -ErrorMessage "One of the GetSettings or SetSettings parameters must be specified when running this script"
if($SetSettings -and !($Settings -or $CsvPath))
Stop-Script -ErrorMessage "Settings must be specified using either the Settings variable in the script or the CsvPath parameter"
Write-LogEntry -Value "Parameter validation completed" -Severity 1
#Set counters to 0
$AlreadySet = 0
$SuccessSet = 0
$FailSet = 0
$NotFound = 0
#Get the current password status
Write-LogEntry -Value "Check current BIOS setup password status" -Severity 1
$PasswordCheck = ($HPBiosSetting | Where-Object Name -eq "Setup Password").IsSet
if($PasswordCheck -eq 1)
#Setup password set but parameter not specified
Stop-Script -ErrorMessage "The BIOS setup password is set, but no password was supplied. Use the SetupPassword parameter when a password is set"
#Setup password set correctly
if(($Interface.SetBIOSSetting("Setup Password","<utf-16/>" + $SetupPassword,"<utf-16/>" + $SetupPassword)).Return -eq 0)
Write-LogEntry -Value "The specified setup password matches the currently set password" -Severity 1
#Setup password not set correctly
Stop-Script -ErrorMessage "The specified setup password does not match the currently set password"
Write-LogEntry -Value "The BIOS setup password is not currently set" -Severity 1
#Get the current settings
$SettingList = $SettingList | Select-Object Name,Value | Sort-Object Name
$SettingObject = ForEach($Setting in $SettingList){
#Split the current values
$SettingSplit = ($Setting.Value).Split(',')
#Find the currently set value
$SplitCount = 0
while($SplitCount -lt $SettingSplit.Count)
$SetValue = ($SettingSplit[$SplitCount]).Substring(1)
Name = $Setting.Name
Value = $SetValue
$SettingObject | Export-Csv -Path $CsvPath -NoTypeInformation
(Get-Content $CsvPath) | ForEach-Object {$_ -Replace '"',""} | Out-File $CsvPath -Force -Encoding ascii
Write-Output $SettingObject
#Set settings
Clear-Variable Settings -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$Settings = Import-Csv -Path $CsvPath
#Set HP BIOS settings - password is set
if($PasswordCheck -eq 1)
ForEach($Setting in $Settings){
Set-HPBiosSetting -Name $Setting.Name -Value $Setting.Value -Password $SetupPassword
ForEach($Setting in $Settings){
$Data = $Setting.Split(',')
Set-HPBiosSetting -Name $Data[0].Trim() -Value $Data[1].Trim() -Password $SetupPassword
#Set HP BIOS settings - password is not set
ForEach($Setting in $Settings){
Set-HPBiosSetting -Name $Setting.Name -Value $Setting.Value
ForEach($Setting in $Settings){
$Data = $Setting.Split(',')
Set-HPBiosSetting -Name $Data[0].Trim() -Value $Data[1].Trim()
#Display results
Write-Output "$AlreadySet settings already set correctly"
Write-LogEntry -Value "$AlreadySet settings already set correctly" -Severity 1
Write-Output "$SuccessSet settings successfully set"
Write-LogEntry -Value "$SuccessSet settings successfully set" -Severity 1
Write-Output "$FailSet settings failed to set"
Write-LogEntry -Value "$FailSet settings failed to set" -Severity 3
Write-Output "$NotFound settings not found"
Write-LogEntry -Value "$NotFound settings not found" -Severity 2
Write-Output "HP BIOS settings Management completed. Check the log file for more information"
Write-LogEntry -Value "END - HP BIOS settings management script" -Severity 1

View File

@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
After Power Loss,Off
Deep S3,Off
Deep Sleep,Off
Power state after power loss,Power Off
S4/S5 Max Power Savings,Disable
S5 Maximum Power Savings,Disable
Wake unit from sleep when lid is opened,Enable
Wake unit from sleep when lid is opened,Enabled
Wake when Lid is Opened,Enable
Audio Alerts During Boot,Enable
Audio Device,Enable
Fingerprint Device,Disable
Integrated Audio,Enable
Integrated Camera,Enable
Integrated Microphone,Enable
Internal speaker,Enable
Internal speakers,Enable
Num Lock State at Power-On,Off
NumLock on at boot,Off
NumLock on at boot,Disable
Numlock state at boot,Off
System Audio,Device available
Intel VT for Directed I/O (VT-d),Enable
Intel(R) VT-d,Enable
Virtualization Technology,Enable
Virtualization Technology (VTx),Enable
Virtualization Technology (VT-x),Enable
Virtualization Technology (VTx/VTd),Enable
Virtualization Technology Directed I/O (VTd),Enable
Virtualization Technology Directed I/O (VT-d2),Enable
Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O,Enable
Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VTd),Enable
Password prompt on F9 & F12,Enable
Password prompt on F9 F11 & F12,Enable
Prompt for Admin password on F9 (Boot Menu),Enable
Prompt for Admin password on F11 (System Recovery),Enable
Prompt for Admin password on F12 (Network Boot),Enable
Network (PXE) Boot,Enable
Network (PXE) Boot Configuration,IPv4 Before IPv6
Network Boot,Enable
Network Service Boot,Enable
PXE Internal IPV4 NIC boot,Enable
PXE Internal IPV6 NIC boot,Enable
PXE Internal NIC boot,Enable
Remote Wakeup Boot Source,Local Hard Drive
S4/S5 Wake on LAN,Enable
S5 Wake on LAN,Enable
S5 Wake On LAN,Boot to Hard Drive
Wake on LAN,Follow Boot Order
Wake On LAN,Boot to Hard Drive
Wake on LAN on DC mode,Enable
Wake on LAN on DC mode,Enabled
Wake on WLAN,Enable
Fast Boot,Enable
LAN / WLAN Auto Switching,Enabled
LAN / WLAN Auto Switching,Enable
LAN/WLAN Switching,Enable
Swap Fn and Ctrl (Keys),Disable
Swap Fn and Ctrl (Keys),Disabled
1 Name Value
2 After Power Loss Off
3 Deep S3 Off
4 Deep Sleep Off
5 Power state after power loss Power Off
6 S4/S5 Max Power Savings Disable
7 S5 Maximum Power Savings Disable
8 Wake unit from sleep when lid is opened Enable
9 Wake unit from sleep when lid is opened Enabled
10 Wake when Lid is Opened Enable
11 Audio Alerts During Boot Enable
12 Audio Device Enable
13 Fingerprint Device Disable
14 Integrated Audio Enable
15 Integrated Camera Enable
16 Integrated Microphone Enable
17 Internal speaker Enable
18 Internal speakers Enable
19 Microphone Enable
20 Num Lock State at Power-On Off
21 NumLock on at boot Off
22 NumLock on at boot Disable
23 Numlock state at boot Off
24 System Audio Device available
25 Intel VT for Directed I/O (VT-d) Enable
26 Intel(R) VT-d Enable
27 Virtualization Technology Enable
28 Virtualization Technology (VTx) Enable
29 Virtualization Technology (VT-x) Enable
30 Virtualization Technology (VTx/VTd) Enable
31 Virtualization Technology Directed I/O (VTd) Enable
32 Virtualization Technology Directed I/O (VT-d2) Enable
33 Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O Enable
34 Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VTd) Enable
35 Password prompt on F9 & F12 Enable
36 Password prompt on F9 F11 & F12 Enable
37 Prompt for Admin password on F9 (Boot Menu) Enable
38 Prompt for Admin password on F11 (System Recovery) Enable
39 Prompt for Admin password on F12 (Network Boot) Enable
40 Network (PXE) Boot Enable
41 Network (PXE) Boot Configuration IPv4 Before IPv6
42 Network Boot Enable
43 Network Service Boot Enable
44 PXE Internal IPV4 NIC boot Enable
45 PXE Internal IPV6 NIC boot Enable
46 PXE Internal NIC boot Enable
47 Remote Wakeup Boot Source Local Hard Drive
48 S4/S5 Wake on LAN Enable
49 S5 Wake on LAN Enable
50 S5 Wake On LAN Boot to Hard Drive
51 Wake on LAN Follow Boot Order
52 Wake On LAN Boot to Hard Drive
53 Wake on LAN on DC mode Enable
54 Wake on LAN on DC mode Enabled
55 Wake on WLAN Enable
56 Fast Boot Enable
57 LAN / WLAN Auto Switching Enabled
58 LAN / WLAN Auto Switching Enable
59 LAN/WLAN Switching Enable
60 Swap Fn and Ctrl (Keys) Disable
61 Swap Fn and Ctrl (Keys) Disabled

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
Boot Mode,UEFI Native (Without CSM)
Configure Option ROM Launch Policy,All UEFI
Legacy Boot Options,Disable
Legacy Support,Disable
PXE Option ROMs,UEFI Only
Storage Option ROMs,UEFI Only
UEFI Boot Mode,Enable
UEFI Boot Options,Enable
Video Option ROMs,UEFI Only
Configure Legacy Support and Secure Boot,Legacy Support Disable and Secure Boot Enable
Configure Legacy Support and Secure Boot,Disable Legacy Support and Enable Secure Boot
Secure Boot,Enable
1 Name Value
2 Boot Mode UEFI Native (Without CSM)
3 Configure Option ROM Launch Policy All UEFI
4 Legacy Boot Options Disable
5 Legacy Support Disable
6 PXE Option ROMs UEFI Only
7 Storage Option ROMs UEFI Only
8 UEFI Boot Mode Enable
9 UEFI Boot Options Enable
10 Video Option ROMs UEFI Only
11 Configure Legacy Support and Secure Boot Legacy Support Disable and Secure Boot Enable
12 Configure Legacy Support and Secure Boot Disable Legacy Support and Enable Secure Boot
13 Secure Boot Enable
14 SecureBoot Enable

View File

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
Embedded Security Device,Device available
Embedded Security Device Availability,Available
OS management of Embedded Security Device,Enable
OS Management of TPM,Enable
Reset of Embedded Security Device through OS,Enable
Reset of TPM from OS,Enable
TPM Device,Available
TPM State,Enable
Activate Embedded Security On Next Boot,Enable
Activate TPM On Next Boot,Enable
Embedded Security Activation Policy,No prompts
TPM Activation Policy,No prompts
Clear TPM,No
TPM Clear,Do not Clear
Physical Presence Interface,Disable
Tpm No PPI maintenance,Enable
Tpm No PPI provisioning,Enable
Tpm PPI policy changed by OS allowed,Enable
1 Name Value
2 Embedded Security Device Device available
3 Embedded Security Device Availability Available
4 OS management of Embedded Security Device Enable
5 OS Management of TPM Enable
6 Reset of Embedded Security Device through OS Enable
7 Reset of TPM from OS Enable
8 TPM Device Available
9 TPM State Enable
10 Activate Embedded Security On Next Boot Enable
11 Activate TPM On Next Boot Enable
12 Embedded Security Activation Policy No prompts
13 TPM Activation Policy No prompts
14 Clear TPM No
15 TPM Clear Do not Clear
16 Physical Presence Interface Disable
17 Tpm No PPI maintenance Enable
18 Tpm No PPI provisioning Enable
19 Tpm PPI policy changed by OS allowed Enable

View File

@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
#Power Settings
"After Power Loss;Off", #Off,On,Previous State
"Deep S3;Off", #Off,On,Auto
"Deep Sleep;Off", #Off,On,Auto
"Power state after power loss;Power Off", #Power On,Power Off,Previous State
"S4/S5 Max Power Savings;Disable", #Disable,Enable
"S5 Maximum Power Savings;Disable", #Disable,Enable
"Wake unit from sleep when lid is opened;Enable", #Disable,Enable
"Wake unit from sleep when lid is opened;Enabled", #Disabled,Enabled
"Wake when Lid is Opened;Enable", #Disable,Enable
#Integrated Device Settings
"Audio Alerts During Boot;Enable", #Disable,Enable
"Audio Device;Enable", #Disable,Enable
"Fingerprint Device;Disable", #Disable,Enable
"Integrated Audio;Enable", #Disable,Enable
"Integrated Camera;Enable", #Disable,Enable
"Integrated Microphone;Enable", #Disable,Enable
"Internal speaker;Enable", #Disable,Enable
"Internal speakers;Enable", #Disable,Enable
"Microphone;Enable", #Disable,Enable
"Num Lock State at Power-On;Off", #Off,On
"NumLock on at boot;Off", #On,Off
"NumLock on at boot;Disable", #Disable,Enable
"Numlock state at boot;Off", #On,Off
"System Audio;Device available", #Device available,Device hidden
#Virtualization Settings
"Intel VT for Directed I/O (VT-d);Enable", #Disable,Enable
"Intel(R) VT-d;Enable", #Disable,Enable
"Virtualization Technology;Enable", #Disable,Enable,Reset to default
"Virtualization Technology (VTx);Enable", #Disable,Enable,Reset to default
"Virtualization Technology (VT-x);Enable", #Disable,Enable
"Virtualization Technology (VTx/VTd);Enable", #Disable,Enable
"Virtualization Technology Directed I/O (VTd);Enable", #Disable,Enable
"Virtualization Technology Directed I/O (VT-d2);Enable", #Disable,Enable
"Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O;Enable", #Disable,Enable,Reset to default
"Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VTd);Enable", #Disable,Enable,Reset to default
#Security Settings
"Password prompt on F9 & F12;Enable", #Enable,Disable
"Password prompt on F9 F11 & F12;Enable", #Enable,Disable
"Prompt for Admin password on F9 (Boot Menu);Enable", #Disable,Enable
"Prompt for Admin password on F11 (System Recovery);Enable", #Disable,Enable
"Prompt for Admin password on F12 (Network Boot);Enable", #Disable,Enable
#PXE Boot Settings
"Network (PXE) Boot;Enable", #Disable,Enable
"Network (PXE) Boot Configuration;IPv4 Before IPv6", #IPv4 Before IPv6,IPv6 Before IPv4,IPv4 Disabled,IPv6 Disabled
"Network Boot;Enable", #Disable,Enable
"Network Service Boot;Enable", #Disable,Enable
"PXE Internal IPV4 NIC boot;Enable", #Disable,Enable
"PXE Internal IPV6 NIC boot;Enable", #Disable,Enable
"PXE Internal NIC boot;Enable", #Disable,Enable
#Wake on LAN Settings
"Remote Wakeup Boot Source;Local Hard Drive", #Remote Server,Local Hard Drive
"S4/S5 Wake on LAN;Enable", #Disable,Enable
"S5 Wake on LAN;Enable", #Enable,Disable
"S5 Wake On LAN;Boot to Hard Drive", #Disable,Boot to Network,Boot to Hard Drive
"Wake on LAN;Follow Boot Order", #Disable,Boot to Network,Follow Boot Order
"Wake On LAN;Boot to Hard Drive", #Disabled,Boot to Network,Boot to Hard Drive,Boot to Normal Boot Order
"Wake on LAN on DC mode;Enable", #Disable,Enable
"Wake on LAN on DC mode;Enabled", #Disabled,Enabled
"Wake on WLAN;Enable", #Disable,Enable
#Other Settings
"Fast Boot;Enable", #Disable,Enable
"LAN / WLAN Auto Switching;Enabled", #Disabled,Enabled
"LAN / WLAN Auto Switching;Enable", #Disable,Enable
"LAN/WLAN Switching;Enable", #Disable,Enable
"Swap Fn and Ctrl (Keys);Disable", #Disable,Enable
"Swap Fn and Ctrl (Keys);Disabled", #Disabled,Enabled
#Enable TPM
"Embedded Security Device;Device available", #Device hidden,Device available
"Embedded Security Device Availability;Available", #Available,Hidden
"OS management of Embedded Security Device;Enable", #Enable,Disable
"OS Management of TPM;Enable", #Disable,Enable
"Reset of Embedded Security Device through OS;Enable", #Disable,Enable
"Reset of TPM from OS;Enable", #Disable,Enable
"TPM Device;Available", #Hidden,Available
"TPM State;Enable", #Disable,Enable
#Activate TPM
"Activate Embedded Security On Next Boot;Enable", #Disable,Enable
"Activate TPM On Next Boot;Enable", #Disable,Enable
"Embedded Security Activation Policy;No prompts", #F1 to Boot,Allow user to reject,No prompts
"TPM Activation Policy;No prompts", #F1 to Boot,Allow user to reject,No prompts
#Clear TPM
"Clear TPM;No", #No,On next boot
"TPM Clear;Do not Clear", #Do not Clear,Clear
#Physical Presence Interface Settings
"Physical Presence Interface;Disable", #Disable,Enable
"Tpm No PPI maintenance;Enable", #Disable,Enable
"Tpm No PPI provisioning;Enable", #Disable,Enable
"Tpm PPI policy changed by OS allowed;Enable", #Disable,Enable
#Enable UEFI Support
"Boot Mode;UEFI Native (Without CSM)", #Legacy,UEFI Hybrid (With CSM),UEFI Native (Without CSM)
"Configure Option ROM Launch Policy;All UEFI", #All Legacy,All UEFI,All UEFI Except Video
"Legacy Boot Options;Disable", #Disable,Enable
"Legacy Support;Disable", #Disable,Enable
"PXE Option ROMs;UEFI Only", #Do Not Launch,UEFI Only,Legacy Only
"Storage Option ROMs;UEFI Only", #Do Not Launch,UEFI Only,Legacy Only
"UEFI Boot Mode;Enable", #Disable,Enable
"UEFI Boot Options;Enable", #Disable,Enable
"Video Option ROMs;UEFI Only", #Legacy Only,UEFI Only
#Enable Secure Boot
"Configure Legacy Support and Secure Boot;Legacy Support Disable and Secure Boot Enable", #Legacy Support Enable and Secure Boot Disable,Legacy Support Disable and Secure Boot Enable,Legacy Support Disable and Secure Boot Disable
"Configure Legacy Support and Secure Boot;Disable Legacy Support and Enable Secure Boot", #Enable Legacy Support and Disable Secure Boot,Disable Legacy Support and Enable Secure Boot,Disable Legacy Support and Disable Secure Boot
"Secure Boot;Enable", #Disable,Enable
"SecureBoot;Enable" #Disable,Enable

View File

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
# Define the character set, password length, and the file to save tried combinations
$charset = "abc"
$passLength = 3
$TriedCombinationsFile = ".\tried_combinations.txt"
# Function to generate all combinations
function Generate-Combinations($charset, $length) {
# Your combination generation logic here
# Load tried combinations into memory
$triedCombinations = @{}
if (Test-Path $TriedCombinationsFile) {
Get-Content $TriedCombinationsFile | ForEach-Object { $triedCombinations[$_] = $true }
# Attempt to clear the BIOS password with all combinations, skipping tried ones
Generate-Combinations $charset $passLength | ForEach-Object {
$password = $_
if (-not $triedCombinations.ContainsKey($password)) {
Write-Output "Trying password: $password"
# Attempt to clear the BIOS password using the current password
& "C:\Path\To\Manage-HPBiosPasswords.ps1" -SetupClear -OldSetupPassword $password
# Add password to tried combinations and save to file
$password | Add-Content $TriedCombinationsFile

View File

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
# Define the path to the original and local password list file
$OriginalPasswordListFile = "C:\Path\To\passwordlist.txt"
$LocalPasswordListFile = ".\passwordlist_local.txt"
# Copy the original password list to the local directory if it doesn't exist
if (-not (Test-Path $LocalPasswordListFile)) {
Copy-Item $OriginalPasswordListFile $LocalPasswordListFile
# Read and attempt each password, then remove it from the local list
Get-Content $LocalPasswordListFile | ForEach-Object {
$password = $_
Write-Output "Trying password: $password"
# Attempt to clear the BIOS password using the current password
& "C:\Path\To\Manage-HPBiosPasswords.ps1" -SetupClear -OldSetupPassword $password
# Remove the tried password from the local list
(Get-Content $LocalPasswordListFile) | Where-Object { $_ -ne $password } | Set-Content $LocalPasswordListFile

View File

@ -1,2 +1 @@
# Resetter for dat HP
Dont use bats they just crash the system
# Resetter for dat HP

View File

@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
REM Define the path to the HP tools
set HPQPswdPath=C:\Path\To\HPQPswd.exe
set BiosConfigUtilityPath=C:\Path\To\BiosConfigUtility.exe
REM Define the path for the password files
set EncryptedPasswordFile=C:\Path\To\EncryptedPassword.bin
REM Define the character set and password length
set charset=abc
set passlength=3
REM Generate and try all possible combinations
for %%a in (!charset!) do (
for %%b in (!charset!) do (
for %%c in (!charset!) do (
set "pass=%%a%%b%%c"
echo Trying password: !pass!
REM Create the encrypted password file for the current password
"!HPQPswdPath!" /p"!pass!" /f"!EncryptedPasswordFile!"
REM Attempt to reset the BIOS password using the current password
"!BiosConfigUtilityPath!" /cpwdfile:"!EncryptedPasswordFile!" /npwdfile:""
REM Optionally check for success and break the loop if succeeded
REM This would depend on the output of BiosConfigUtility.exe indicating success
REM Cleanup
del "%EncryptedPasswordFile%"

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ for /F "tokens=*" %%p in (%PasswordListFile%) do (
"%HPQPswdPath%" /p"%%p" /f"%EncryptedPasswordFile%"
REM Attempt to reset the BIOS password using the current password
"%BiosConfigUtilityPath%" /cpwdfile:"%EncryptedPasswordFile%" /npwdfile:""
"%BiosConfigUtilityPath%" /cpwdfile:"%EncryptedPasswordFile%" /nowdfile:""
REM Optionally check for success and break the loop if succeeded
REM This would depend on the output of BiosConfigUtility.exe indicating success