This commit is contained in:
crt 2024-04-02 14:20:08 +02:00
parent d1b55fc685
commit 7052ef5e7d
1 changed files with 37 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
REM Define the path to the HP tools
set HPQPswdPath=C:\Path\To\HPQPswd.exe
set BiosConfigUtilityPath=C:\Path\To\BiosConfigUtility.exe
REM Define the path for the password files
set EncryptedPasswordFile=C:\Path\To\EncryptedPassword.bin
REM Define the character set and password length
set charset=abc
set passlength=3
REM Generate and try all possible combinations
for %%a in (!charset!) do (
for %%b in (!charset!) do (
for %%c in (!charset!) do (
set "pass=%%a%%b%%c"
echo Trying password: !pass!
REM Create the encrypted password file for the current password
"!HPQPswdPath!" /p"!pass!" /f"!EncryptedPasswordFile!"
REM Attempt to reset the BIOS password using the current password
"!BiosConfigUtilityPath!" /cpwdfile:"!EncryptedPasswordFile!" /nowdfile:""
REM Optionally check for success and break the loop if succeeded
REM This would depend on the output of BiosConfigUtility.exe indicating success
REM Cleanup
del "%EncryptedPasswordFile%"